No CrossFit for the Weekend, But Staying Busy.

4 05 2013

…so the weekend has been a CrossFit free zone, but by design.

I have been playing in my first tennis tournament, and so far my doubles partner and I are 1-1.  We haven’t played our best, but we were in both matches.  I really wish we both would have brought our A game earlier today, because we are certainly strong enough to have won.  The first game we took down in straight sets last night at 8:30, and the second game earlier today we lost in straight sets at 12:30.  We play again tonight at 6:30, and I hope to at least go 2-1 on the tourney.

I will be back to CrossFit on Monday morning, and I will also be starting Premium CrossFit’s 30 day paleo challenge.  I have been eating probably 75% paleo or so for the past week, and it has made a huge difference in my energy, my recovery, and my weight loss.  I can’t wait to see how I feel after 30 days of strict paleo.  I will certainly be blogging daily or almost daily so that I can look back to see just how I felt from day to day.  I’m certainly feeling far better than I was before CrossFit already.  I’m down about 12 lbs at this point, and my first month hasn’t come to a close just yet.  My first month is up as of May 9th, and I’m hoping to be down around 15# or so.

My upcoming goals are going to be:

  1. 315# 1-rep max backsquat
  2. sub 1:45 500M row
  3. 15 more lbs of weight loss over the course of the 30 day paleo challenge
  4. under 250# which is now 16# away
  5. 1 strict pull-up

I’m sure I will be adding to these in the near future, but this is a good starting list.

Tomorrow is going to be a mainly rest day, but I’m sure I will add in some walking with my wife and/or daughter.  If the weather clears up a bit and it’s dry I may be able to play some softball also.  I guess only time will tell.  Enjoy!




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